What Are The Features Of Cyber Security?

cyber security online course

What Are The Features Of Cyber Security?

Data breaches are alarming; they cause financial loss and a loss of customer trust, and their consequences can last for years. According to the most recent Cost of a Data Breach report from Ponemon, one-third of data breach costs come more than a year after the incident.

Your first line of defence against breaches and attacks is a good cybersecurity platform. On the other hand, choosing a security platform is challenging; the sheer number of options available can be overwhelming. There are hundreds of solutions available, each with a unique approach to information security.

1)Good Analytics

Good analytics may benefit any organisation in any business. If you’ve graded your risks and have a solid historical picture of where your risks have been in the past, it’s easier to pinpoint a threat. With solid data, you can assess your risk, monitor circumstances that may represent a concern, and act swiftly when an issue arises. Indeed, valuable data might be of assistance even after a data breach or attack. According to Ponemon’s 2019 Cost of a Data Breach report, firms that use security analytics save an average of $200,000 on data breaches. To know more about analytics, join Cyber Security Online Course.

2)Coverage Of Most Extensive External Threads

Many hazards originate outside of your organisation. According to Ponemon’s 2018 State of Cybersecurity in Small and Medium-Sized Businesses (SMBs) study, 37% of incidents were proven foreign assaults. These external threats typically involve hacking and phishing and enter an organisation through various channels, including stolen credentials, Denial of Service, hacked online applications, and email attachments. (For example, 93% of spam emails are now used to distribute ransomware.) Your security platform should be able to detect risks and notify you when your organisation has been compromised or is being targeted by hostile activities.


In different businesses, information security entails different things. Regarding information security, every industry and organisation — from healthcare to banking — has its legislation, standards, and best practices. Your cybersecurity platform should assist your organisation in achieving, maintaining, and demonstrating compliance with any legislation applicable to your industry and geographical area.

4)Thread Prevention, Detection And Response

According to a survey published in CISO magazine last year, 31% of CISOs want their security platform to block more than 95% of assaults and track those that cannot be blocked, delivering continual notifications so that the security team can follow down and delete suspicious activity.

5)Continuous Monitoring

It’s better to rely on something other than snapshots of your risk or compliance regarding cybersecurity. Yes, you and your vendors may be compliant now, but a patch may not be installed tomorrow, or a server may need to be misconfigured. A security platform that does not offer continuous monitoring leaves gaps in your compliance and exposes you to risk.

Thus, cyber security features are good analytics, coverage of most extensive external threads, compliance, threat prevention, detection and response and continuous monitoring. To know more about the features of cyber security, join Cyber Security Training In Chennai at FITA Academy.