What are the Important features of the Silk Test?

One of the best automation testing tools is Silk Test. The Silk test created the Functionality and Regression cases in the best potential methods. The silk test can maintain Object-Based implementations. Various technologies can be tested using the software, namely, Java, DOM, Mobile, Firefox and etc. To Know more, join Silk Test Training in Chennai at FITA Academy, and develop the skills in techniques in the testing. Here in this blog, we defined What are the Important features of the Silk Test?

What are the Important features of the Silk Test?

Silk is Platform Independent:

The Silk test always doesn’t care about the creation of applications, for example, what kind of design is used, what operating system is operating for the application, and which browser is being worked. The demand for an application is tested using the silk test, which needs the frame.

Browser Independent

Different kinds of people are using different kinds of browsers for operating applications. The user can use the application of their choice to test the application. The browser can operate creatively with various applications.

The Silk Test can look at the browser contents as objects, and hence they can avoid any texts or images that are not identifiable. Using Silk Test, Write the test in one and run it in another browser,

Technology Independent

The Silk test doesn’t mind the creation of the application. It operates with the various web technologies generally used today.

Using the same code for various browsers:

 Start writing the silk texts. Obtain the window information and can write the .t file. If you are obtaining the information from Internet Explorer and operating successfully on it.

Testing the Windows-based applications

Before writing scripts, we have to approve the settings given below.

  • In the File–>New Option–>Test frame.
  • In this resulting ‘New Test Frame’ dialogue box, define the way of the executable file on the application.
  • The Silk Test will produce the declaration file automatically, with the default window announced.
  • Using the file to test script creations.

The Testing of the Java-based applications

  • Before starting the Java applications, you have to set the Java classpath.
  • Points to a Java Archive [.jar file], it consists of the software the ability the silk test for the Java supports for the JRE 1.2 and JDK 1.2. The file is called the Silk Test_Java2.jar.
  • Install SilkTest_Java2.jar can be installed in the directory: JavaEX.
  • The user may use only the JDK 1.2 file for testing. The user can get the Java Support for JDK by following the silktest_Java2.jar from the \JavaEx to \jre/lib/ext.

Learn silk test online training at FITA Academy, and develop the skills in techniques in the testing.

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